
Precious cargo transportation program
Precious cargo transportation program

“We try not to devote buses to any specific population of students because we serve students in the least restrictive environment,” said Meslin. Since there are no designated buses for specific passengers, Meslin reported that it’s not uncommon for students with disabilities to ride on the same bus as homeless students and other students in the general education program. Newport-Mesa transports roughly 525 students with disabilities on school buses driven by district drivers. That is, for many it is too late to develop the essential safety habits necessary to ride public transit by themselves.” “When we see these students in adult transition programs, they are not always successful in becoming transportation independent. “So many of our young general education students and students with special needs have not been taught how to be safe in and around the school bus,” said Pete Meslin, transportation director for Newport-Mesa Unified in Southern California. While children throughout the nation would benefit from interactive tutoring on how to behave on the school bus, particular focus should be devoted to students with disabilities, as they are sometimes delayed in transitioning to full autonomy from a lack of comprehensive training in transporting themselves. It’s obtained by establishing a steady groundwork of hands-on experience and careful instruction. Yet this individuality isn’t achieved through wishful thinking.

precious cargo transportation program

For students with disabilities, transportation independence can mean freedom.

Precious cargo transportation program