
Print to console debug android studio
Print to console debug android studio

print to console debug android studio print to console debug android studio

Several commands can get you tons of information. Log commands to use with a terminal app (or adb) There may be some more locations which escaped me but as most logging is done on tmpfs, these data are lost with a reboot, and would not match the OPs question. However, not all apps create tombstones this must be explicitly enabled by the developer (see Debugging Android Core Dumps). crashed) - and it is what is referred to as "core dumps" on Linux/Unix systems. As tombstones are placed for the dead, it is done here for "processes died by accident" (i.e. /data/tombstones may hold several tombstone_nn files (with nn being a serial, increased with every new file).mentioned Droid 2 also has a /data/panicreports directory (empty here).the /data/panic/panic_nfig may point to other locations configured - on my Droid 2 it mentions /sdcard/panic_data/./data/kernelpanics is another location - not having had any "kernel panic" on my Android devices, I saw no content there yet./data/dontpanic seems to be a standard location (AOSP), and contains some crash logs including traces (see e.g."Application Not Responding" aka "Force-Close" see e.g. /data/anr: Some trace files seem to get here (Dalvik writes stack traces here on ANR, i.e.There are several directories where logs (including those from crashes) might appear - not all of them are standardized (i.e.

Print to console debug android studio